BD溶血素FACS Lysing Solution红细胞裂解液
BD溶血素FACS Lysing Solution红细胞裂解液
1) 全血制备时用于溶解红细胞
(2) 固定外表位
(3) 辅助通透剂
BD溶血素FACS Lysing Solution红细胞裂解液
BD FACS™ lysing solution is intended for lysing red blood cells following direct immunofluorescence staining of human peripheral blood cells with monoclonal antibodies prior to flow cytometric analysis.
BD FACS lysing solution is appropriate for use with reagents such as BD Tritest™ or BD Simultest™ reagents and a suitably equipped flow cytometer. It may be used in both lyse/wash and lyse/no-wash procedures.